Dr Karen Joseph

Dr Karen Joseph


Dr Joseph is a Specialist Pain Medicine Physician, who works both in private practice and the Christchurch Women's Hospital. She has experience in treating a wide range of chronic pain conditions, but with particular expertise in Chronic Pelvic Pain, having also completed specialist training and vocational registration in Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Sexual & Reproductive Health. 

Dr Joseph  sits on a number of committees on behalf of the Faculty of Pain Medicine, including the Ministry of Health Endometriosis Taskforce working group, RANZCOG Endometriosis Online Project, and ACC Surgical Mesh External Advisory Group.  She is an international ambassador for the International Pelvic Pain Society. She teaches as senior clinical lecturer at the University of Otago, and her research interests are exploring, and attempting to develop ways to meet, the unmet needs of those living with pelvic pain.